Driving Change

Celebrating Togetherness: Our Holiday Initiative

For Victims of Terror each day presents itself with challenges, new and old.  Shabbat and holidays present their own unique challenges. As a holiday approaches Ohr Meir & Bracha dedicates its resources to providing the families it cares for with all the necessary food items to celebrate the Chag. 

Rosh HaShana we add Pomegranates, honey…  For Chanukah, oil to light the Chanukiah, cooking oil for Latkes, and Sufganiyot.  Tu B’Shevat our families enjoy an array of dried fruits and nuts.  Mishloach Manot for Purim.  Pesach – Matzah, eggs… and the list goes on.  These “special” items are added to the usual variety of foods included in our weekly baskets.

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