Driving Change

Kids’ Corner

Kids’ Corner is Ohr Meir & Bracha’s battleground to combat child hunger. On a daily basis, 60 children, ages 4-16 are cared for at our Ramot location.  These children share a background of difficulties ranging from being a part of a family in crisis to a family victimized by Terror.

The program offers hot-meat-meals, drinks, fresh fruits, salad and snacks. A comfortable and safe place for the children to come to after school daily. Trained teachers supervise pre-school children and help older children with homework and reading skills. As needed, books and educational toys are provided to advance learning skills.  Free dental care, new clothes/shoes, school supplies/books are provided.

Every child deserves attention.  Every child deserves time to play and just be a child.  For children whose lives have been overturned due to the consequences of a Terror attack, how much more so are they in need of a diversion! 

Summer, 2012 our goal was to provide our children with fun and sun-filled days.  We were privileged to take the children on day trips.  We traveled to the North of Israel for a ride on the Kineret, enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and watched a puppet show.  Another day the “circus came to town” …Jerusalem.  The audience was entertained with antics and performances put on by the Beigele Circus.

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